most useful languages to travel

Sunday, January 12, 2014 0

Today small article on the languages in journeys. We go to see what are the most useful languages when we travel.

Let us begin by seeing the languages the most spoken in the world according to the number of person speaking this language.

          1 - Chinese
          2 - English
          3 - Spanish
          4 - Hindi
          5 - French
          6 - Russian
          7 - Malay-Indonesian
          8 - Arab
          9 - Portuguese
        10 - Bengalese

No surprise to find some of the languages in this classification. The Chinese, English or the same Spanish are not really surprising.

Let us see now the languages the most spoken according to the number of countries in which they are spoken.

1 - English, spoken in 53 countries
2 - French, spoken in 38 countries
3 - Arab, spoken in 26 countries
4 - Spanish, spoken in 21 countries
5 - Portuguese, spoken about 10 countries

This classification does not have to see any more really much with our first classification. Indeed the Chinese does not appear any more in this top 5, just like the Hindi.
Then what are the languages really the most useful in journeys?
The fact that languages as the Arab or the French are spoken in countries enough little populated, the Middle East for the Arab and mainly Africa for the French do not make these languages the most useful languages in journey.

English is, unquestionably, the most useful language in journey, followed by the Spanish, the Portuguese, both of the spoken languages in many countries, in particular in South America or find very populated countries. The French remains good sure one of the most useful languages, not by the number of countries which speaks it, country enough little visited. But mainly thanks to France, the most tourist country of the world.

Here is thus the classification of the most useful languages in journey.

1 - English
2 - Spanish 
3 - Portugues
4 - French 
5 - Arab

It exists different ways to learn a language, very sure, to travel is a very good solution, but there are also agencies who will allow you to learn languages by organizing language study holidays at any ages.

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